Negative Emotions in Marriage?

Couples have to learn how to manage negative emotions, instead of acting them out There is a lot of talk about emotional health now. For the body-based emotional health system, there are no "negative" or "positive" emotions. Then, emotional … [Read more...]

Can you Respect Each Other While Fighting?

Can you fight with respect? A time ago, I saw this interesting piece of information: Dr. Gottman's study on married couples explained how it is possible to predict if they will stay married or divorce. How is this possible? Watch the first … [Read more...]

Apologizing After Interpersonal Violence: How to Repair the Relationship

When domestic violence happens, how can the relationship damage be repaired? What is worse after having a situation where interpersonal violence happens? No way to deny it: the fist hitting a face, the slap, or the push that throws a weaker person … [Read more...]

Tips for Coping With Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is a serious problem that continues its lingering effect much longer than desirable. As a result of early emotional abuse, many victims develop chronic anger issues, which sometimes looks disconnected from the abuse source. Frequently … [Read more...]

Pent up Anger is Past Anger

Why are there some people more angry than others? Life is an equal opportunity "dissapointer" the sense that there is not a universal right to happiness for anybody. So why some people appear to have more anger issues than others? It all … [Read more...]