When domestic violence happens, how can the relationship damage be repaired? What is worse after having a situation where interpersonal violence happens? No way to deny it: the fist hitting a face, the slap, or the push that throws a weaker person … [Read more...]
Creative Conflicts Resolutions Receives 2015 Best of Fort Lauderdale Award
Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Creative Conflicts Resolutions Receives 2015 Best of Fort Lauderdale Award Fort Lauderdale Award Program Honors the Achievement FORT LAUDERDALE August 12, 2015 -- Creative Conflicts Resolutions has been … [Read more...]
Destroying love, one bit at the time
There is a slow way of killing the reciprocal love we all begin our married life with....composed of small, daily disappointments that will end up destroying reciprocal respect. What are they? Here is the list of all communication activities that … [Read more...]
The Abusive Relationship as a Lesson in Resilience?
CAN YOU SEE THE ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP AS A LIFE LESSON IN RESILIENCE? There is much more information about how to identify emotional abuse, than about the process of breaking free and healing from it. The preferred solution for the victim seems to … [Read more...]
Roadmap for a healthy marriage
Do you want the map for a healthy marriage? I want to share these six commandments for an amazing marriage with you, from a friendly blog. Follow them and you’ll do great! 1. COMMITMENT Be faithful – thou shalt not steal thy neighbor’s … [Read more...]