Can you Respect Each Other While Fighting?

Can you fight with respect? A time ago, I saw this interesting piece of information: Dr. Gottman's study on married couples explained how it is possible to predict if they will stay married or divorce. How is this possible? Watch the first … [Read more...]

Apologizing After Interpersonal Violence: How to Repair the Relationship

When domestic violence happens, how can the relationship damage be repaired? What is worse after having a situation where interpersonal violence happens? No way to deny it: the fist hitting a face, the slap, or the push that throws a weaker person … [Read more...]

Shame and Humiliation: Healing from Domestic Violence

Shame and Humiliation: my story of domestic violence. After a public discussion about  NFL player Ray Rice hitting his then-fiancée unconscious inside an elevator, the floodgates were open in Twitter for women to share their own stories. Under … [Read more...]

How to Handle Verbal Abuse From Friends

Can you handle verbal abuse here? Do you know how to handle verbal abuse in everyday conversations? How familiar are you with this technique people will use against you for preempting conversations that they are not so sure of understanding? Before … [Read more...]

Abusive Behavior First Red Flag? Hear Him Yelling at You!

There is one emotional abuse sign that brings such a painful shock, we all try to rationalize and process it fast, as to get it out of our awareness. It's the shock a woman feels the first time he screams, calls her a name or insults her. He is … [Read more...]