Is very easy to discover the inherent pain that a relationship based on passive aggression brings. It is important that you identify exactly the behaviors that trigger your confusion, isolation or anger, and ascribe them to his peculiar way of doing … [Read more...]
Happy Marriages are a Work of Love
All couples need to learn the fine art of keeping their marriages alive and growing. We bring from our own families of origin some habits that left uncontrolled can be lethal to a love relationship. Even if you are honestly working to stay away from … [Read more...]
Tips for Coping With Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is a serious problem that continues its lingering effect much longer than desirable. As a result of early emotional abuse, many victims develop chronic anger issues, which sometimes looks disconnected from the abuse source. Frequently … [Read more...]
Taking a trip of self-discovery, involuntarily!
Sometimes in a relationship, abuse grows up slowly. Here and there, you can catch some overly controlling and critical behavior. He would make fun of you in front of his friends, and, because you are not expecting abuse, you laughed it off. Even … [Read more...]
How to Get a Counselor that Understands the Issue?
Relationship Counseling And Passive Aggressive Behavior: Is your counselor an expert in passive aggression? This book helps the wife recognize the impact of passive aggressive behaviors on her marriage, so she can get a counselor to … [Read more...]