Are You Being Hurt by Snide, Abusive Remarks from your Husband?

Public Humiliation by Your Husband: Breaking Free from the Shackles of His Emotional Abuse Have you ever experienced the odd situation where someone is putting you down, with a funny joke, just in your face? The person is making fun of you, … [Read more...]

Are you Concerned about Emotional Abuse in a Relationship?

Can you recognize the signs of emotional abuse in other marriages?   I was listening carefully to my friend's story about her daily challenges at home...Why life was so difficult for her? Having the idea of abusive behaviors in my mind,  … [Read more...]

Tips for Coping With Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is a serious problem that continues its lingering effect much longer than desirable. As a result of early emotional abuse, many victims develop chronic anger issues, which sometimes looks disconnected from the abuse source. Frequently … [Read more...]

Taking a trip of self-discovery, involuntarily!

Sometimes in a relationship, abuse grows up slowly. Here and there, you can catch some overly controlling and critical behavior. He would make fun of you in front of his friends, and, because you are not expecting abuse, you laughed it off. Even … [Read more...]

How to Handle Verbal Abuse From Friends

Can you handle verbal abuse here? Do you know how to handle verbal abuse in everyday conversations? How familiar are you with this technique people will use against you for preempting conversations that they are not so sure of understanding? Before … [Read more...]