Are there lots of neglected needs in your marriage?

There are times when neglect is not casual, but a little more straightforward. In some situations one person in the relationship is fairly explicit with what they need, asking for it and the other person manages to neglect that need, either directly … [Read more...]

Is Marriage a Contract to Create with your Partner a Happy Relationship?

How to listen to each person's needs? We all have basic needs that have to be fulfilled by our loved ones around us, for us to lead successful and happy lives. In this way, "contract" means that we are motivated to do the same for them. We all have … [Read more...]

Taking a trip of self-discovery, involuntarily!

Sometimes in a relationship, abuse grows up slowly. Here and there, you can catch some overly controlling and critical behavior. He would make fun of you in front of his friends, and, because you are not expecting abuse, you laughed it off. Even … [Read more...]

Creative Conflicts Resolutions Receives 2015 Best of Fort Lauderdale Award

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Creative Conflicts Resolutions Receives 2015 Best of Fort Lauderdale Award Fort Lauderdale Award Program Honors the Achievement FORT LAUDERDALE August 12, 2015 -- Creative Conflicts Resolutions has been … [Read more...]

How changing yourself affects your relationship

You have to begin changing yourself first! So many times people ask how they can change their passive aggressive partner....and my only response is: You can't! I know, it is discouraging....I would love to have another answer, but my only one … [Read more...]