Childhood Abuse Leaves Permanent Damage

Emotional scars are invisible scars that follow us for life!   A new study by Florida State University researchers has found that people who were verbally abused as children grow up to be self-critical adults prone to depression and … [Read more...]

Verbal Abuse is a Kind of Control

What is verbal abuse? the use of verbal communication to control, put down, and diminish the other person's self-image. This is a move in the greater battle between people, the "who controls whom" power play. Sometimes couples have an implicit … [Read more...]

Daily Abusive Relationships

Sometimes, it looks like we are immersed in a constant battle for power and control; there is always (a boss, a relative, even a spouse) putting us down in a daily basis....all for the sake of control. What a refreshing event is it when we are … [Read more...]