Workplace Anger in Tough Times

The present recession in the world is reflecting a very difficult social situation that affects everybody. The job insecurity raises a high level of anxiety in all of us…trying personal resources to the limit. How each person answers the challenge depends on several variables, and mostly it has to do with our own ability to keep calm and in control of negative emotions like anger and despair. If there is old anger, then workplace disputes can become more often and escalate faster to interpersonal violence.

While we wait for social conditions to improve, proven solutions like anger management techniques are necessary.

We all have the right to be able to work in a safe environment…and sometimes other people’s anxiety gets in the way. It can go from exagerating differences to fueling team conflict; some workers can present behaviors from depression to the opposite: too critical, accusatory or aggressive responses.

It is crucial for us to be able to spot people with anger issues, when there are layoffs in the office. Some people more than others tend to feel rejected or badly treated, even when there is not obviously fault from their part. It’s only the desperation from a present layoff that reactivates an old feeling of inability and despair. This is the kind of people who feel not the challenge of facing a difficult situation, but the sinking feeling of not being able to overcome the challenge.

There is some consensus about what you can do to prevent anger explosions and more, to be able to deal with the situation. If people being let go are your friends, it’s no use to pretend that you don’t know them.

Here’s where your courage comes in…spend one-on-one time with the most unhappy and isolated of your co-workers. Get to hear them, ask questions, show your sympathy. It means the world for them, and for you it will help assuage the guilt of still having a job when others lost theirs.

There is a good resource to learn anger management techniques in the work place here:Dr. DeFoore’s site

NoraNora Femenia is a well known coach, conflict solver and trainer, and CEO of Creative Conflict Resolutions, Inc. Visit her blog and signup free to be connected to her innovative conflict solutions, positive suggestions and life-changing coaching sessions, along with blog updates, news, and more! Go now to Creative Conflicts.

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