Can There be Boundaries to Love?

Communication within relationships can be tough, especially if you bring insecurities and trust issues with you. It can be hard to know where your comfort zone is in terms of humility, intimacy, privacy, honesty and boundaries. But a great … [Read more...]

Relationships, Commitment and Distance in Love

Is it possible to test how committed you are in a relationship? New studies are suggesting it is, but we’re not talking about couple’s “Survivor” or anything extreme like that. Instead, there’s new evidence that tells us how people learn to love and … [Read more...]

Rebuild New Trust in Your Relationships

Attachment patterns are being created even as the child is being delivered from the womb. Attachment to others is inborn and instinctive, part of the brain that evolves as a self-protection measure for the child. This learned process allows the … [Read more...]

How Are You Attached to Your Partner?

By nature, our brains are wired to desire attachment to others. We are social creatures; even entering into conflict is a manifestation of our mutual need to "link" or "attach" ourselves to another person. However, the ways we attach to one another … [Read more...]